Saturday, December 04, 2004

nuevas imágenes de maltrato

Was this picked up by the major american news outlets and I just missed it? More torture pictures have come out. The AP found them...using Google. They show lots of stuff we are familar with: hooded male prisoners wearing women's clothing, soldiers smiling and giving the thumbs up sign. Other pictures are weirder. I'm not sure what is going in the picture of the person bleeding from the neck. Is he a prisoner? Is this a raid?

The AP story has few details and shows none of the truly ugly pictures. The NYT is runing the story but not the photos, and is not putting it on the front page. Fortunately the Spanish paper El Mundo has the story and some of the pictures.

This page also has them. The language guesser at Xerox says that the page is in Turkish, as does Languid

This page has one picture of a person being choked that is not on the others.

via boing boing and the memory blog

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